Affetside Society





The Affetside Society was formed in the early 1970’s from the remnants of the Affetside Amenities Society, a local campaigning group that was formed in the early 1950’s. Affetside Amenities Society was the original village campaigning group and came about to fight for the installation of mains water and a sewerage system. It seems that time doesn’t change a thing and the village is still campaigning, although now for installation of High-Speed Broadband and a continual against wind turbines – it must be something to do with the altitude that affects the people who live here!

The society has had some successes, such as the establishment of a 30mph speed limit through the village (now down to 20mph) although most drivers seem to disregard the speed limit and use the straight road as a racetrack.

The Society also constructed two stone name plaques at each end of the village to commemorate the wedding of Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer in 1981. Fundraising was undertaken by the society by way of barn dances and barbeques.

At one time the Affetside Society was a registered charity, although by the early 1990’s the society had become largely defunct and was removed from the list of registered charities held by the Charities Commission and its involvement in village matters had reduced to nothing. When the plan emerged to apply for funding for the Millennium Green, the dwindling band of remaining members of the Affetside Society were reluctant to become involved or allow “The Affetside Society” to spearhead the application, and so another village society was formed – Millennium Green Trust.

At the turn of the new Millennium, several new residents to the village resurrected The Affetside Society, and took charge of organising various village social events – see the Photos page. The aim of these is to raise funds for village events, campaign for a better village environment and to provide some funds to the Millennium Green Trust who maintain the village green